Elongated Tortoise

Lemon Headed Tortoise, Yellow Headed Tortoise Scientific Name: Indotestudo elongata

Tue, 4th March, 2025 - 3:40 am GMT

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Alternative Name

Lemon Headed Tortoise, Yellow Headed Tortoise Scientific Name: Indotestudo elongata

Basic Info

The Elongated Tortoise is a moderately sized tortoise that can reach up to one foot in length. Their name derives from the long, narrow carapace that is usually a yellow-brown shade. The carapace often has black markings on the sides. The male's plastron is concave and they have longer shells than females. The tails of both male and female Elongated Tortoises have a "claw" on the end. The thighs are scaled with small, thorny scales. The head of the Elongated Tortoise is usually yellowish, as is the carapace. The carapace has darker, greenish spots. The female Elongated Tortoise's head changes to a rosy shade during breeding season.


Elongated Tortoises should be provided with a box to hide in. If they are kept outdoors, they must be secured at night to protect them from predators. Although these tortoises do not bask much, they should be provided with a basking area with temperatures between 95 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Elongated Tortoises are prone to dehydration and should be provided with a shallow water dish large enough to soak in. The enclosure should also be misted every couple of days. Elongated Tortoises feed on snails, slugs, and worms as well as plant material. In captivity they should be fed dark leafy green vegetables, small amounts of meaty foods such as insects, commercial Box Turtle and tortoise food, and occasionally fruit. Breeding Elongated Tortoises usually breed in the summer after a rainy period. The male tortoise follows the female, forcefully jabbing her shell with his whenever she stops moving. When the female is receptive, they mate. The male vocalizes very loudly while mating. Between November and January, the female will lay several clutches of between one and nine eggs, depending on the size of the tortoise. The female digs nests of about four inches deep in which to lay their eggs. Female Tortoises are usually sexually mature at around seven years of age. The eggs usually hatch after between 98 and 134 days at between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


Found primarily in tropical regions of southeast Asia


The Elongated Tortoise is native to Asia. Sometimes known as Lemon Headed or Yellow Headed Tortoises, they are entertaining to watch and can be excellent pets. Although the Elongated Tortoise is diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, they are most active in the very early morning and late evening. They are native to tropical regions of Asia and are most active during the rainy season, when the weather is wet and warm. They do not bask often, nor do they soak in water often, although they enjoy both of these activities from time to time. In captivity, mature Elongated Tortoises are usually kept outside.




The Elongated Tortoise is found primarily in tropical regions of southeast Asia. They are most commonly seen in northeast India, Burma, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Common Foods

The Elongated Tortoise is omnivorous, feeding on snails, worms, and slugs as well as on plants.

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